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Saturday, October 18, 2014

Who is Eric Frein? The Pennsylvania State Trooper Killer

The whole country is still trying to wrap their heads around on finding out more of who is Eric Frein? This 31-year-old man is still on the run for killing a Pennsylvania State Trooper and wounding another one. We want to know why he decided to attack law enforcement, and what was his whole motive behind it.

There are many stories being told about Frein, but the stories aren't really unfolding the main reasons why a Pennsylvania man can just open fire at state troopers for no apparent reason. Maybe this is a just a game for Frein, who knows. 

Eric Frien is a man that kept to himself, was found to be a bit weird, and didn't have much friends. In his adulthood, he would work sporadically like at a grocery store, or teaching archery.

Eric Frein isn't your normal killer per se, meaning that when we hear about someone that kills, you usually find out the reasons behind it. With Frein, it is only said that he had it out for the government and didn't care much for cops. But what did the cops do to him in the past to make him kill? That's the big question out there, and no answer has been given.

Right now, it's been five weeks since the shooting took place in the Poconos, and Eric Frein is still hiding out in the woods as claimed by law enforcement. It is believed that he'll be caught soon because the cold is starting to come in, and he wouldn't be able to survive without gaining more supplies. The media has put out there to the public that Eric Frein is a survivalist, and can make it in the woods for a long time.

But in the Pocono Mountains the black bears will be coming out, and will be very hungry. If Frein is still out there, who knows if he'll be able to survive that.

But I think this is all a smoke screen created by law enforcement for us to think that they're going to capture Frein soon, but I'm guessing they don't even know if he's still in the Mountains. All we know is that Eric Frein has probably already headed south, because of the warm climate.

The FBI and law enforcement are looking in the wrong area and need to put focus on other places in the country. Eric Frein wants you to think that he's still in the woods, but he's a survivalist, and he won't stay in a small area where he could get caught.

Eric Frein learned his marksmanship from his father, who was a army major. His father says "his son doesn't miss his shot". That's pretty scary to hear from a army veteran. That just confirms his son is a stone cold killer, and he wouldn't hesitate to kill again. His father knows a lot more than he lets on. He probably knew that his son Eric would go after the police, but to shoot them down with a high powered rifle, who knows.

It's only so long that he can elude capture, and I hope he's brought to justice, because when you kill someone you should pay the price. It wouldn't surprise me if Eric Frein is killed in a blaze of glory with police, so he won't be detained and sent off to jail and face execution.

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