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Monday, October 13, 2014

Ebola: The Virus That Has The World Shaken

This is a frightening disease that is scaring everyone around the world, but now, it has hit home in the United States. I'm still trying to comprehend this virus, and how a person can contract this deadly disease. The research that I've done, says that Ebola can only be contracted through bodily fluids, and it isn't an airborne disease as many Americans think.

Living in New York City, we happen to be an overpopulated place, with over 10 million people living here. New Yorkers know exactly what I'm talking about right here. So many people are scared that if someone coughs they can be affected by this disease, which is just ludicrous if you ask me.

I understand the concern, because trust me I have them too. But that's what happens when a virus hits home, many people start to panic and get all riled up.

To understand the virus, you have to know when and where it all started. Ebola outbreaks started back in 1976, in Africa, and at that time, they only had a few cases of the virus. Many people have been hearing the name Ebola, but they don't know how the disease started.

This deadly virus comes from Fruit Bats in Africa. These are bats that are holding the disease, and have now affected mammals of all kinds. That's all how the disease started to spread to humans in Africa.

Decades ago, we as Americans didn't even know about a virus called "Ebola". The country was busy fighting diseases such as HIV, AIDS, and Cancer. These are the diseases we've known for so long, and have been fighting for a cure for many years now. To have this disease appear in our country is just sad, scary, and there needs to be answers for this.

The Ebola outbreak has been going full force this year in West Africa. There has been over 4,000 deaths already, and the numbers seems to increase by the day. If you come into contact with this virus, you have a 50-90% chance of dying. Right now, the FDA hasn't approved a vaccine for the Ebola virus. But when they do, and hopefully soon, many lives will be saved because of this drug.

For the past few weeks, the United States has been put on a high alert, because Thomas Eric Duncan unknowingly came into the country having contracted the virus from Liberia. Unfortunately, he died last week as he was fighting for his life, but the disease got the best of him. I hope that everyone stays safe, and this deadly disease can be contained.

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