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Monday, October 6, 2014

The Jumpsuit: In Ferguson, It Has Come to This

Last week Friday in Ferguson, MO, more than a dozen of protesters were arrested for not complying with police, and resisting arrest. This is getting more disgusting as the days, weeks, and the months go by, on how the police are treating these residents of Ferguson. All hell broke loose when the demonstrators were protesting in front of the Ferguson Police Department.

The protesters that were apprehended by police, seemed to be mostly African American women. This is a damn shame that the county jail has gone this far to embarrass the people of Ferguson. They placed these arrestees in orange jumpsuits, and kept them held for more hours than normal. Let's not even talk about bail, because for some, bail was set for over $2500.

It amazes me how these people are treated while in pursuit to get justice for Michael Brown, who was slain by a white police officer. These bail amounts given to blacks are just excessive and outrageous. There is no need to make them the example because the Ferguson Police Department is annoyed with them, and don't want them to protest, which is their constitutional right in America.

I can understand the police arresting protesters that aren't obeying the laws, that's looting, or just not acting peaceful in a demonstration. Everyone needs to keep in mind that a young unarmed black teen was killed by police. These demonstrations are all about making changes in the community and hopefully in America.

I hope they get rid of these orange jumpsuits and not put them on protesters again. Many of them were arrested for merely just standing on sidewalks. The more negative news that comes out of this city, the more our country looks divided and out of order.

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