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Thursday, October 2, 2014

Michael Dunn is Convicted of Murdering Young Black Teen

Nearly two years later justice has been served in the state of Florida, as Michael Dunn was convicted of first-degree murder. When I saw the reports everywhere this evening, it made me really happy to hear the results. My heart went out for the victim, 17-year-old Jordan Davis's family. This was such a tragedy. He was only a junior in high school and didn't even get to live a full life. Now Michael Dunn, 47 will likely spend the rest of his miserable life in jail without the possibility of parole.

I say Michael Dunn is a evil racist that always had it in him to kill an African American. You can say it was premeditated murder, because a man like this was bound to kill one day. Dunn carried hate in his heart for blacks and the music of choice they play, which is hip hop.

You don't see blacks out here killing white people for playing loud country or rock music. Incredible! This story made my day even though it's a sad situation, but as we've seen in the Trayvon Martin case, Zimmerman walked. The people wouldn't let that happen again. Not like this anyway.

Young Jordan Davis was just at a gas station with friends playing hip hop music, so Dunn decided to shot him in cold blood. That self defense argument went out the door when they didn't find a gun on Davis. First he kills this teen, then decides to go to his girlfriend's house to order a pizza. Damn, you can shoot a man then after have the urge for the munchies. Some stories just blow my mind.

I know for a fact that the people of this country can't take another acquittal from a murderer that's killing off innocent blacks. It's just so sad that when you leave your house, you don't even know if you'll return home alive. That's a scary thought.

If you were thinking Michael Dunn was going to show any emotion after the verdict, you were dead wrong. Why would he? He's a former software developer that wears an invisible white robe if you know what I mean. Protective custody has his name on it and will be waiting for him. Without it, he's a dead man walking. May God bless you!

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