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Sunday, September 28, 2014

15 People Shot and Wounded at Miami Nightclub


Last night in Miami fifteen people were shot in a nightclub called The Spot. It was supposed to be a night of fun, where teenagers and adults came together for a gathering. But the fun turned into mayhem, as shots were fired and teenagers including adults were wounded. The ages of the victims range from 11-25. I'm just wondering how the hell a 11, 12, or a 16-year-old child are allowed in a nightclub anyway.

I understand times are changing and all, but these young ages are just ridiculous. Sources are saying that the nightclub may have broken the law by allowing such young people into this environment. In Miami, they have a strict curfew for minors under 17 to be out by themselves between 12 a.m. to 6 a.m. without adult supervision.

We don't know the cause of the shooting and if there were more than one gunman. But what we do know is that, there were about 100 gunshots fired in total. When emergency responders showed up to this horrific scene, they couldn't help all the wounded inside the club. Some of them had to be treat outside on the sidewalk unfortunately.

There is a lot of blame to go around to start with, first with the parents, nightclub and the shooter. This whole shouldn't have happened. Our children should be fully protected and not subjected to this violence. These young kids I call them, should've been home with their parents. The parents of these young minors should be questioned by police, on why their children were allowed to go to this nightclub.

At 1 a.m. this morning the shooting took place, so that means you have a nightclub that just ignored the ages of these kids. I don't get it and never heard of a story like this. I know snitching, talking to the cops and so on is against the street code in many urban neighborhoods. But when they are children involved, people have step up and do what's right.

Through all of the shooting victims, it is said to be only one that is critically injured. This could of been a lot worst, but thankfully nobody died, especially our young children. I hope they catch these guys and they get the book thrown at them.

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